If were were driving through north-central Union County and were arrested for driving while intoxicated (“DWI”) in Union Township, we can help you. Our defense firm is the largest DWI/DUI team in the entire state and we are ready to serve you from our Union NJ Office. As attorneys who routinely appear in Union Township Municipal Court, we appreciate what is involved in defending cases in a town of only approximately 9 square miles that writes enough tickets to employee three (3) as opposed to the norm of one (1) judge. You obviously aren’t alone when it comes to DWI, driving under the influence of drugs, and breath test refusal charges, as the Union Township Police Department, as well as NJ State Police patrolling the portion of the Garden State Parkway falling within the municipality, have been known to write over 300 of these summonses annually. This is an extremely high number and demonstrates just how serious law enforcement is in this town about drinking and driving. You need to attack your charges with the same level of effort and that is precisely what an attorney at the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall can afford you.
About DWI Charges In Union Township New Jersey
Union is unquestionably one of the busier DWI venues in the entire state with 326 violations issued in the one year period ending June 2014. This high number is attributable to both aggressive enforcement and the high traffic volume in the town. Union Township not only has local roadways but major traffic interstate arteries like Route 78 and U.S. 22. There is also a large span of the Parkway that traverses the town, enough to include five separate exits within its borders (i.e. Exists 139A, 139B, 140, 140A, & 141). This obviously accounts for an exceptionally high number of motorists and opportunities for the police to issue driving under the influence charges. All of these violations are heard in the Union Township Municipal Court located at 981 Caldwell Avenue, Union, New Jersey 07083. The main telephone number for the court is 908-851-5400. While court administration is available during regular business hours, court sessions are limited to Monday & Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. and Tuesday & Thursday at 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. The Judges are The Honorable Jonathan H. Rosenbluth, Cassandra Corbett, and Kelly Waters. Further information regarding the court can be found at the municipal court webpage.
Union NJ DWI Defense Lawyer
Most people realize that there are few exceptions for achieving favorable results than what can be provide through significant experience and training in the defense of drunk driving cases. And when it comes to these qualities, there may be no other firm in the state with the level of qualifications in this area of law than the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall. We have four (4) attorneys who are former DWI prosecutors and Alcotest Certified, as well as three who are certified as instructors in Standardized Field Sobriety Testing. The firm also happens to possess over a century of experience in the defense of driving while intoxicated charges between all of the lawyers on our staff. An attorney is available around the clock to assist you, including late night and early morning. To schedule an appointment or speak to a defense lawyer immediately, contact us at 908-272-1700.