Summit NJ Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer

Domestic Violence Charge in Summit New Jersey

When the victim of certain criminal offenses is a current or former spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend or other person with standing under the New Jersey Prevention of Domestic Violence Act, the conduct is referred to as domestic violence. A charge involving domestic violence crosses all walks of life so a well to do municipality like Summit New Jersey even has its share of these cases. If you were charged with simple assault, harassment, terroristic threats or another violation stemming an alleged incident of domestic violence, you should consult a defense lawyer at our firm immediately. The present state of your household and daily life lies in the balance so you definitely need to obtain the services of a criminal attorney who can help you defeat your charge and/or restraining order. Lawyers at our firm, the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall have decades of experience defending those arrested for domestic violence and are ready to thoroughly defend you against a criminal offense or retraining order arising in the City of Summit. Our team of attorneys are available 24/7 for free consultation by calling 908-272-1700.

Summit NJ Restraining Order

There are a number of charges that can result in entry of a Summit NJ restraining order and domestic assault is just one variety. An act of domestic violence includes:

  • Criminal Restraint
  • Terroristic Threats
  • False Imprisonment
  • Lewdness
  • Criminal Mischief
  • Stalking

  • Aggravated Assault
  • Simple Assault
  • Burglary
  • Another act of aggression against someone entitled to protection

Individuals Entitled To Protection. A spouse, ex-spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, someone with whom you reside or you share a child or someone presently or previously dating, qualifies for protection of a temporary or final restraining order.

Burden for Obtaining A Temporary Restraining Order. The plaintiff must provide evidence to reasonably believe that an act of domestic violence has occurred and that future acts may take place if a temporary restraining order is not entered.

Requirements for Entry of a Final Restraining Order. In order to secure a final restraining order, the plaintiff must prove by a preponderance of the evidence that he/she was a victim of domestic violence and that a final restraining order must be entered to protect the victim.

Effect of a Temporary or Final Restraining Order. A restraining order of any kind bars the defendant from contact with the victim. A defendant cannot reside or communicate with the victim without being exposed to a new criminal offense for criminal contempt.

Summit NJ Domestic Violence Attorney

A domestic violence case in Summit has the potential to turn your life upside down. Someone typically faces not only a criminal offense at the Summit Municipal Court or at the Union County Superior Court in Elizabeth but also a Family Court proceeding to decide whether the order of protection shall become a permanent restraining order. The lawyers on the staff of the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall have what is required to thoroughly protect your interests with over a century in practice defending domestic assault and other criminal matters, as well as restraining orders. If you would like to speak to a domestic violence attorney at the firm, contact our Union Township Office. A lawyer is available anytime of day or night to answer your questions and address your other concerns. Call 908-272-1700 to speak to one of our attorneys now.