Although the Borough of Roselle Park measures little more than one (1) square mile (i.e. 1.232 square miles to be exact), it happens to be near the top every year for DWI charges in Union County. There are a number of factors in the high number of driving while intoxicated cases including the presence of busy roadways like New Jersey Route 28, the Garden State Parkway and Chestnut Street. Chances are that you are among the disproportionate group of individuals charged with DWI, DUI and breath test refusal in Roselle Park given that you have landed on this page. In order to make sure you do not also become part of the large block convicted of a first, second or third offense in the municipality, you will need to demonstrate to the municipal judge Honorable Judge Gary Bundy, that there is a legitimate legal basis for dismissing/downgrading the charge. This is why hiring an attorney with considerable DWI skill is pivotal to your success.
Experienced DUI Lawyers to Defend Your Charge in Roselle Park NJ
The DUI lawyers at the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall possess credentials that are unquestionably unique in terms of defending your charge in Roselle NJ. There are approximately 50 attorneys in the entire state that are certified on the Alcotest and five of them are located at our firm. There are significantly less than ten in the New Jersey who are certified in field sobriety testing, the other discipline used by members of the Roselle Park Police Department to prove a driving while intoxicated offense. Three of these individuals are members of our firm. The head of our DWI/DUI department, Colin Bonus, handles nothing but N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 cases and has over 35 years experience. The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall is also one of about 3 firms in the state that owns a Draeger 7110 Alcotest Evidential breathalyzer. Contact our Union NJ Office at 908-272-1700 for an immediate free consultation.
DWI Offense in Roselle Park Municipal Court
Every ticket or summons charging an individual with DWI within the borders of the borough is handled in Roselle Municipal Court. The municipal court is located at 100 East Westfield Avenue (a.k.a. NJ Route 28), Roselle Park, New Jersey 07204. Court sessions are conducted once a week on Thursday at 9:30 a.m. The judge responsible for deciding all issues presented in your driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol case are decided by the Honorable Gary Bundy. In order for you to be convicted, the prosecutor will have to establish that you were the operator of a motor vehicle while intoxicated or when under the influence of a narcotic (e.g. heroin, oxycodone or another opiate), marijuana or another habit forming drug (e.g. cocaine). Intoxication is establish through a blood test or breath test sample demonstrating a blood alcohol concentration (“BAC”) of .08% or higher or, alternatively, through failed sobriety tests. A driving under the influence of drugs offense requires a positive blood or urine test coupled with a report from a Drug Recogition Expert (“DRE”) that concludes that the motorist was impaired at or about the time of the stop.
Roselle Park NJ DUI Lawyer
If you are facing a DUI or refusal charge in Roselle Park, a lawyer at the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall can definitely help you. The attorneys on our staff have over 100 years in practice including, in many cases, significant time serving as DWI prosecutors. There is little doubt we can provide the training and skills necessary to insure you have every chance of averting a N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 conviction in Roselle Municipal Court whether this is your first offense or you are a repeat offender facing a third offense or worse. Call 908-272-1700 to speak to a lawyer at the firm immediately.