Westfield NJ Criminal Attorneys That Defend Simple Assault, Possession of Marijuana, Shoplifting, Harassment, Driving While Suspended, Possession of CDS in a Motor Vehicle, Driving Without Insurance and Other Charges

The town of Westfield is one of the most popular municipalities in Union County. The community does nonetheless have thousands of criminal and motor vehicle charges issued every year. In fact, over one-thousand (1,000) criminal complaints were written within the 6.74 square miles of the town last year by the Westfield Police. The most frequently charged offenses were simple assault, shoplifting, marijuana possession, harassment and disorderly conduct. Our criminal attorneys handle many cases like these in Westfield as one of the largest defense firms in not only Union County but the entire state. The eight lawyers on the criminal team at the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall have over a century of experience between them, including significant time serving as prosecutors. If you have been charged with an offense in Westfield, including traffic violation like possession of CDS in a motor vehicle, driving while suspended, reckless driving or driving without insurance, we are equipped to help you successfully defend your offense. An attorney is available 24/7 to assist you in our Union Township Office by calling 908-272-1700. Initial consultations are free so do not hesitate in contacting us for the guidance you need.
Westfield Municipal Court
Westfield measures 6.74 square miles and has a population of 30,316) so it makes sense that it would have a busy municipal court. The Westfield Municipal Court is located within the Municipal Building at 425 East Broad Street in Westfield, New Jersey. To contact the court, the phone number is 908-789-4060 and the fax number is 908-654-1520. The court is presided over by the Honorable Judge Brenda Coppola Cuba. Other court representatives include Carol Salvaggio, the Westfield Court Administrator, and Anne Margeotes, the Deputy Court Administrator. The office is available for telephone and in-person inquiries Monday through Friday between 9:00 am and 3:30. The Westfield Municipal Court conducts sessions every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Criminal Charge in Westfield NJ
Appearing at the Westfield Municipal Court can result from a criminal misdemeanor criminal charge referred to as a disorderly persons offense or any form of motor vehicle violation. Jurisdiction of the court is limited to these types of offenses. Authority to decide indictable matters that involve a crime of the first, second, third or fourth degree is reserved to the Union County Superior Court which is located in the City of Elizabeth. If you were arrested for aggravated assault, distribution of marijuana, burglary, eluding, heroin possession, or another first through fourth degree crime, your case will be sent to the county courthouse for resolution.
Westfield NJ Criminal Lawyers
We know you may be feeling some level of intimidation about being charged with an offense in Westfield. Losing your driver’s license, being exposed to a criminal record or other serious consequences resulting from a charge are nothing to take lightly. The criminal lawyers at the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall can insure that you have every possible opportunity to escape unfavorable ramifications such as those described. Our attorneys are accomplished defense advocates that have been serving those arrested in Westfield for decades. An attorney at the firm is available now to go over the details of your case, what he believes your best course of action should be, and what would be involved in our representing you. Contact our Union Township Office at 908-272-1700 for a free consultation with a lawyer.