Summit Criminal Attorneys

The Summit Police Department issued well over 50,000 criminal and traffic tickets, including many DWI charges, over the last two years. That is quite a staggering number, especially when you consider the thousands of dollars in fines and other penalties, including the possibility of jail and/or a driver’s license suspension, associated with these charges. Acquiring strong legal representation from a defense attorney who is both experienced and invested in getting you the best result possible can go a long way towards minimizing the consequences of any offense. At our firm, The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall, we can offer over 100 years of experience between our six (6) criminal attorneys, and the dedication to fighting for you at every stage of your case. Contact us for a free consultation anytime 24/7 at 908-272-1700.
Summit Municipal Court
The City of Summit, originally formed in 1869, has a population in excess of 21,000 residents. The Summit Municipal Court is located within the Municipal Building at 512 Springfield Avenue, Summit, New Jersey 07901. To contact the court, the phone number is 908-273-6166 or 908-273-6112, and the fax number is 908-522-1693. The court is presided over by the Honorable Judge Donald Bogosian. The Summit Municipal Court Administrator is Eileen O. Keating. While the Department is available for reach between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm Monday thru Friday, the court is only in session on Wednesday’s at 9:00 am and the first Wednesday of every month at 4:00 pm. The Municipal Prosecutor of Summit is Michael J. Mitzner. Additionally, the Summit Municipal Court falls under the jurisdiction of the Union County Superior Court.
Charges in Summit NJ
Appearing at the Summit Municipal Court is usually a result of a DWI violation, Marijuana possession, traffic violation, or one of a litany of other criminal or traffic violations. Municipal courts, Summit included, have a limited jurisdiction to hear only certain cases, the above mentioned types of charges included. The criminal charges we are referring to are those which fall within the category of disorderly persons offenses. Since most violations of law falling within this grade, the Summit Municipal Court is busy with a wide range of criminal cases almost each court session. With a propensity for considerable consumer traffic, it is no surprise that Summit also has more than its share of traffic tickets and violations. With Route 24 running through the eastern portion, Interstate 78 at the south, and Routes 14 and 512 running elsewhere through the City, the high number of motor vehicle summonses handled in Summit is understandable.
The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall defends all criminal and motor vehicle offenses in Summit. If you have been charged with any violation in the municipality, we have the knowledge and experience to help you including:
- Simple Assault
- Possession of 50 Grams or Less of Marijuana
- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
- Harassment
Summit DWI Defense Attorneys
Having a criminal or serious traffic ticket like driving while intoxicated hanging over your head can be very alarming. No one wants to have their driver’s license or liberty effected so feelings of anxiety and even fear are understandable if you are facing a charge. Your best option for eliminating these feelings and protecting your interests is to speak to one of the seasoned defense lawyers at our firm. We have been defending DWI, traffic and criminal offenses for decades and are prepared to help you reach a favorable outcome in your case. Call us at 908-272-1700 for immediate assistance from an attorney.