Address: 1 City Hall Plaza, Rahway NJ 07065
Telephone: (732) 827-2039/ (732) 381-8000
Fax: (732) 381-9879
Court Sessions: Mon 9:00 AM; Thurs 2:00 AM & 7:00 PM; 2nd Thursday at 9:30 AM (DWI)
Judge: Roman Montes, J.M.C.
Court Administrator: Marylene Sheppard
Prosecutor: Richard A. Fazzari
Official website click here.
Directions to court click here.
Rahway has many of the same problems of larger Union County cities despite having only 27,346 residents and measuring 4.02 square miles. In fact, the Rahway Police write so many charges that the municipal court needs to conduct at least two (2) separate sessions each week. If you were arrested or charged with a criminal offense or traffic violation in Rahway, you would be well served in contacting a skilled attorney immediately. The attorneys at the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall are ready to assist you in this capacity as members of one of the largest criminal firms in the state. Our team of defense lawyers have been representing clients on Rahway charges for over 100 years combined. A lawyer on our staff, including one of our several former prosecutors, is available to conduct a comprehensive review of the facts of you case and to provide you with their insight as to the best approach for avoiding a conviction. Lawyers are ready to assist you 24/7 in a free initial consultation by calling 908-272-1700.
Simple Assault, Driving While Suspended, Marijuana Possession, Harassment, Criminal Mischief, Possession of CDS in a Motor Vehicle, Disorderly Conduct or Another Charge in Rahway New Jersey
An extreme amount of individuals are issued a summons, ticket or complaint for violating the law in Rahway every year. Over 10,000 moving traffic violations and almost 1,500 criminal complaints were issued in the municipality during the last year alone. A major factor in this high volume is the fact that the city is a major thoroughfare for non-residents traveling the Garden State Parkway, the New Jersey Turnpike, and US Highways 1 & 9. All motor vehicle tickets and summonses issued in Rahway fall within the jurisdiction of the Rahway Municipal Court. The most common of these traffic offenses are DWI, driving without insurance, possession of cds in a motor vehicle, speeding and driving while suspended. Jurisdiction of the court is limited as it relates, however, to criminal charges. Authority is confined to deciding cases involving disorderly persons offenses like simple assault, possession of 50 grams or less of marijuana, harassment, disorderly conduct, criminal mischief and possession of drug paraphernalia. More serious violations, those that are referred to as an indictable crimes, are heard at the Union County Superior Court. Your case involves such a matter if it involves a crime of the first degree, second degree, third degree or fourth degree. Frequently encountered felony charges falling within this grading include burglary, possession of cocaine, aggravated assault, eluding and distribution of CDS. Our attorneys are seasoned in the defense of any criminal or traffic offense arising in Rahway and possess decades of experience defending these matters.
Rahway NJ Criminal Defense Lawyer
One of the biggest keys in avoiding the ramifications of a conviction and the penalties that come with it is to hire an attorney with the knowledge and skill to get you results. That is what the lawyers at our firm can provide as most of us are former prosecutors that make up a staff with over a century of criminal defense experience. We are skilled in our craft and know our way around Rahway Municipal Court, as well as the Union County Superior Court. Call us at 908-272-1700 to schedule a free consultation with an attorney in our Union Township Office. Attorneys are available to assist you immediately at 908-272-1700.