Fanwood NJ Criminal Attorneys for Driving While Suspended, Simple Assault, Marijuana Possession, DWI, Possession of CDS in a Motor Vehicle & Other Charges in Fanwood Municipal Court

The Union County municipality of Fanwood may rank 18th in both size and population but that does not translate when it comes to municipal court charges, especially traffic violations. Almost 5,000 motorists were issued a ticket or summons in Fanwood last year for a moving motor vehicle offense like driving while suspended, possession of CDS in a motor vehicle, DWI and driving without insurance. The borough also has its share of disorderly persons offenses, for example, simple assault, marijuana possession, harassment and disorderly conduct. If you were charged in the Borough of Fanwood with a criminal or traffic offense, the criminal attorneys at our firm have the skills to effectively defend you. For over twenty years now, the defense firm of the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall has been representing individuals in this town, as well as at the county courthouse in Elizabeth on crimes of the first, second, third and forth degree arising in Fanwood. An attorney is prepared to discuss the facts and law surrounding your case in a free initial consultation. To speak to one of our lawyers anytime 24/7, contact our office in Union NJ at 908-272-1700.
Borough of Fanwood Municipal Court
All criminal complaints and motor vehicle summonses issued which are issued within the 1.34 square miles of the borough are decided in Fanwood Municipal Court, 75 N. Martine Street, Fanwood, NJ, 07203-1341. The court can be reached by phone at 908-322-6750 or by fax at 908-322-1378. The court’s normal business hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The municipal court is in session twice a month on alternating Thursdays at 4:00 p.m. The court administrators are Joy Veeck and Donna Zucker. The presiding judge is the Honorable Susan M. MacMullen.
The Fanwood Municipal Court has original jurisdiction that is limited to deciding traffic, ordinance and misdemeanor criminal violations which are termed disorderly persons offenses. More serious charges that are indictable in nature cannot be heard in the municipal court. These matters must be referred to the Union County Superior Court in Elizabeth for handling. Offenses that result in someone being charged with a first degree, second degree, third degree or fourth degree crime fall within this category. The most common of these offenses are aggravated assault, burglary and distribution of marijuana, cocaine and other drugs.
Fanwood Criminal Defense Lawyer
Do not be mistake into believing that the Fanwood Police Department will go easy on you when you appear on your charge. The police take criminal and traffic offenses seriously despite what you may have heard elsewhere. You need to take your charge just as serious by retaining the best criminal defense lawyer you can afford to handle your case. We believe that the attorneys at the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall can effectively serve you in this role. Indeed, our lawyers have over 100 years of combined criminal experience, much of which included work as prosecutors. To speak to an attorney on our team immediately, call 908-272-1700. A lawyer is available 24/7 for free consultation.