Disorderly Persons offense in Berkeley Heights Municipal Court
There are annually over 200 criminal charges filed in Berkeley Heights that fall into the grade of a disorderly persons offense. All of these misdemeanor cases are within the jurisdiction of the Berkeley Heights Municipal Court. If you were charged with a Berkeley Heights disorderly persons offense, a lawyer at the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall is ready to diligently defend you. Here at our Union Criminal Defense Firm, we employ eight attorneys with over a century of combined experience that includes significant time serving as prosecutors. An attorney with the knowledge and skill to successfully defend your municipal court criminal charge is available 24/7 to discuss your matter. Contact us at 908-272-1700 if you are facing an offense in Berkeley Heights Municipal Court such as:
Although a disorderly persons offense is non-felony in nature, the penalties and collateral consequences of a conviction in the municipal court of Berkeley Heights can be significant. A plea or finding of guilt results in a criminal record that will follow you around for years in terms of obtaining employment, securing a professional license and taking advantage of other opportunities. You will also be subject to the possibility of a $1,000 fine, probation, counseling and even jail. If the charge involves a drug charge in Berkeley Heights, there is also a 6-24 driver’s license suspension.
Berkeley Heights Municipal Court Defense Attorney
If you are looking for a defense attorney for a Berkeley Heights Municipal Court criminal matter, the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall is well equipped to defend you. We employ multiple lawyers who are former prosecutors that make up a team with over a century of combined experience. All available defenses will be skillfully presented so that you have every possible chance of escaping a finding of guilt. Call 908-272-1700 to speak to a lawyer on our staff immediately.