Rahway Simple Assault Attorney

Charged with Simple Assault in Rahway New Jersey

A disorderly persons offense that is extremely common in Rahway is simple assault. The charge can result from any number of scenarios including domestic violence, an encounter with a neighbor, a bar fight or many other situations. The consequences of a Rahway simple assault offense are probably much more significant than you realize so it is important that you consider consulting an attorney at our firm if you have been charged.

The lawyers at the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall are skilled criminal advocates with over a century of experience defending simple assault and other charges in Rahway. We know what approaches and strategies are most effective in securing a dismissal or downgrade as former prosecutors with over 100 years of experienced combined. To speak to a lawyer at the firm immediately, contact our office. Attorneys are available for consultation free of charge 24/7 at 908-227-1700.

Simple Assault Charge in Rahway New Jersey

An individual commits simple assault charge if he or she violates N.J.S.A. 2C:12-1a. This charge arises quite a bit in the City of Rahway with almost 1,500 disorderly persons offenses there annually with simple assault being one of the most frequently filed. If you have been charged with simple assault in Rahway, you can be convicted of this offense in Rahway Municipal Court if it is proven that you:

  1. Attempted to cause or purposely, knowingly or recklessly caused bodily injury to another person; or
  2. Negligently caused bodily injury to another with a deadly weapon; or
  3. Attempted by physical menace to put another in fear of imminent serious bodily injury.

The penalties that apply upon conviction for a Rahway simple assault include a fine of up to $1,000 and up to 6 months in the county jail. The consequences are less severe if the assault was the result of a mutually agreed to fight in which case the violation is a petty disorderly persons offense that carries up to 30 days in jail and a maximum fine of $500.

In some instances, a Rahway simple assault offense will also result in a restraining order. This occurs when the alleged victim of simple assault is someone with whom the actor had a domestic relationship (e.g. dated, married, child in common, etc.). Issuance of a temporary restraining order results in your being displaced from your residence with the victim, speaking to him or her, or having any communications with them. You will also have to defend yourself at two court proceedings — one for the criminal charge of simple assault and the other one in Family Court to contesting a final restraining order hearing. For more information on this subject refer to Rahway Domestic Violence Charges.

Rahway Simple Assault Defense Lawyer

The attorneys at Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall have decades of experience defending Rahway simple assault charges. A defense lawyer who knows what it takes to avoid a conviction is just a telephone call away by contacting our office anytime 24/7. To speak to a Rahway criminal attorney about your simple assault charge immediately, call (908) 272-1700.